Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5: Bother God (Evelyn’s choice)

You who pray to the Lord, don’t be silent! Don’t allow him to rest until he reestablishes Jerusalem, until he makes Jerusalem the pride of the earth.  (Isaiah 61:6-7 NET)

There are two very important points in this little known verse-and-a-half, that can revolutionize your way of viewing God.

ONE:  God wants to be bothered by your prayers!  He is urging all of His children to make noise, to call out to Him and to keep insisting that He bless us.  It is a common deception that God shouldn’t be bothered with our constant requests.  That God has so many other people in the world who need Him, too much praying will irritate Him.  That there are those less fortunate then ourselves, we should give room for their prayers, before we bring up our own petty wants. But take this verse and join it with so many others that challenge us to pray without ceasing, to be persistent, and to knock, ask and seek over and over again, God is clearly saying exactly what Isaiah 62 says: give Him no rest!!  He is pleased by our prayers and requests, and never tires of hearing us pray.

TWO:  He promises to establish His people as the pride of the earth.  Jerusalem today refers to His children, those who submit to Him as King.  We are to fight for our lives to be a shining example of God’s power, and not to live in that false sense of humility that thinks asking for blessings is selfishness. God wants to bless us abundantly, and yet leaves the battle in our hands.  We are to wrestle in prayer, to audaciously demand that His promises come true.  Standing idly by and hoping blessings just drop from heaven when He feels like it, is a sad misconception of who God really is.  Assuming that our disgrace is His will since He hasn’t done anything for us so far, means that we believe in a passive and uncaring God.  God fully intends to establish you, and make you the praise of the earth.  But ask yourself, have you been passive?  Have you been silent?  Have you worried about being a bother to God?  Don’t waste another moment, get busy with your fight, and don’t be silent any longer!  The best way to please God, is to simply obey.

1 comment:

  1. "God wants to be bothered by your prayers! He is urging all of His children to make noise, to call out to Him and to keep insisting that He bless us" Sports team want to hear the noise from those who believe in them and their skills. I think God wants to show the devil, in case that wretched thing asks, how much we want that miracle to happen. It's like any kind of sports team that wants some noise from their fans, except that God never loses.
