Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21: God forgives + heals

My soul, praise the Lord, and do not forget all His benefits. He forgives all your sin; He heals all your diseases.  (Psalm 103:2,3 — HCSB)

David—King of Israel—praised God for all His benefits, two of which are forgiveness of all our sins and healing of all our diseases. It seems that David thanked God for doing this for him every day and I am certain that if God did this for His servant David, He wants to do it for every one of His children—for us. God doesn’t show favoritism, and what He does for one of His children He is ready to do for all.

Forgiveness is not granted by God when we live perfect lives, but rather when we accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior—as the one who died in our place on the cross. When we trust in Him we don't need to be burdened by sin even one minute more. As soon as we realize that we have sinned, our response should be to confess it to God and receive His forgiveness. We should never wait till we get home, till we go to church, or for our regular time of prayer. We should never carry the burden of sin and guilt over the period of a day, or even for an hour. It needs to be immediately confessed and cleansed so that it has no chance to harm us.

God is a healer. When we truly believe in the Lord Jesus, we have the right to claim all that He purchased for us on the cross, and part of that was healing. He has always been a healer—both Old and New Testaments—and because of that we can be sure that he will also heal us.

I want you to practice these two attitudes over the next month. Make them a habit in your life.

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