Wednesday, December 18, 2013

December 18: All things work for our good

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 — Holman Christian Standard Bible)

Understanding this passage will transform our lives and the way we respond to problems. God says: all things work together for the good of those who love Him. ALL things… That’s pretty hard to swallow. 

All sorts of bad things happen every day around the world and it’s hard for us to imagine anything good coming from many of them. We all experience good and bad days, victories and disappointments. We live in a world where there is evil, sickness, lies and death, because we share the world with the devil and demons. This is their home too. They used to live in heaven when they were obedience and submissive to God, but when they rebelled there was a war, they lost, and were cast down to earth. But in spite of this, God promises that all things, good and bad, will work for our good.

If we understand and apply this it will be nothing less than revolutionary. What power that is, to know that no matter what happens it will all turn out for the very best in the end. We don’t have to fear tomorrow, or problems when they come. We don’t have to fear the threats of our enemies, or the attacks of the devil because God has made us this promise.

This doesn’t happen to everyone though. Some people are destroyed by their problems, and don’t see their problems turning around for their own good. Many people are enslaved by the devil and end up living horrible lives. This promise is only valid for those who “love God; those who are called according to His purpose.” Though God calls everyone — Jesus died on the cross for the entire world, not for a select few — only those who accept His calling and agree to live their lives with His purposes in mind will see this amazing verse come true in their lives. And even among those who have accepted His calling, there are some who allow doubt and fear to sneak in, and end up not experiencing the full life that God purposed for them.

How can problems be good for us? All the most important things we’ve learned about God were most probably learned in hard times. Problems drive us to depend on God, to have a thicker skin, to be less emotional and attached to this world. Pain, hardship and sacrifice always remind us that we need God more than anyone or anything in this world, and because of that they make us strong and are for our own good.

From now on, decide to make this verse one of the primary verses of your life. When problems come, calm down and determine that God is going to use them to make your life much, much better. From now on, trust that He has a plan for your life.

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