Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 30: Be a 25%er

This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:5-7 — New American Standard Bible)

If we belong to God, His character in us should be clear for anyone to see. And yet, it is a sad fact that most of the people who attend church regularly, and call themselves Christians, have lives that are full of darkness and sin… most. In the parable of the sower, Jesus estimated this number to be 75%… What are we to conclude? (There’s a difference between judging and discernment.) What can we say about people who live this way? This passage plainly states that these people LIE and do not practice the truth! If we say we know God, we have to walk in the Light; we have to live lives of purity and righteousness — lives that we could easily envision the Lord Jesus living. If you would be ashamed to do what you do if Jesus, or your pastor, were standing next to you, you are living in darkness and need to make radical changes right away.

We walk in the Light when we put Jesus first, when we are pure in heart, and when we do we will experience the mind-boggling blessing of having fellowship with God, and with others in the faith… just imagine you having fellowship with God Himself. We will have the conviction that our sins have been washed away and that we are now blameless before Him. When we walk in the Light, confusion will come, but it will be a momentary attack that always gives way to clear-minded thinking and faith; and the power of Jesus will be evident in our lives. When we are in the Light our prayers will be effective and answered… not always immediately, and not always in the way we thought they would be, but always for our good. When we are living in the Light it is impossible for other people not to see the difference, which means that we will be powerful witnesses for the Lord Jesus. God is invisible, and it is God’s will that we make Him visible to the world through our character, goodness, and power.

Don't deceive yourself into thinking that you can be blessed by God when you are refusing to walk in the Light. It is impossible. Many people are “blessed” by the devil, are allowed to conquer and enjoy certain things for a time — though it is impossible for people to truly conquer or enjoy anything when they are in the darkness — but God’s blessings require that we walk in His Light. Each one of us must make this important choice. Are we going to be real, genuine Christians, or are we going to be deceived and defeated? 

Don't be satisfied with anything less than the Light of God. Decide now that you are going to experience the reality, truth, and joy of real Christianity.

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