Jesus didn't try to convince John the Baptist that He was the Messiah with words. He demonstrated who He was by performing great acts of healing. His answer to John was simple — look at what I am doing if you have a question about me. Jesus was not just a great teacher; He was also a great miracle-worker. If you will look closely at the New Testament, you will see that He expected His disciples to do the same kinds of things. Christianity is fundamentally miraculous. When we try to have non-miraculous Christianity, it is weak and defenseless and ridiculous.
The church of today must demonstrate this same power. Jesus said that those who believed in Him would do the same works that He did. And there is only one commission that Jesus gave to us — preach the good news, heal the sick, and drive out demons. The problems that people have today are the same as when Jesus walked on earth — and the solution to those problems has to be the same also. The church of Jesus Christ began with great miracles — the resurrection of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost; and it grew with a great out pouring of miracles. Our mission today is to help people who are beyond any human help. And that requires the power of the Living Jesus.
God does not do miracles in an environment of unbelief and skepticism. Nourish your faith, believe in a great God, read about miracles, think about miracles, and pray for miracles — they are the proof that Jesus is alive today!
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